Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Countryside stories

Keeping life simple, this is what I always bear well in mind 
every time I leave the countryside. In mid December
we had a romantic getaway to Arachova, a winter destination, 
a little mountainous town built on the hills of Parnassus
Despite being a touristy region, life carries on 
as if it was yesterday.

People seem to understand themselves and the world around 
them in a deeper way. By virtue of its striking authenticity, 
village life appeals so much to me. You could say that things 
are never perfectly candid. Yes! But I insist on retaining 
this generous integral part of pureness 
as a good purpose in life. 

The story is the following. 
Once in the village, we woke up to a snowy scene outside
our windows. We took the car to reach a café giving an 
exhilarating view on top of the mountain. At the beginning, 
the road was still pretty clear and dry. The snowy landscape 
caused us a flurry of excitement but alas, ice suddenly 
brought an end to the fun. The car was sliding up and 
down on the icy tarmac making it impossible to put 
the chains on! A man appeared...

...from nowhere. He calmed us down, helped to steer the car 
to the edge of the road and invited us to have coffee 
at his home, a cottage hidden in the woods. 

Convinced by his nice behavior and struck by this squeeze 
of kindness we were hosted for a couple of hours by a 
wonderful man and a woman, both retired in province 
by will. The authenticity of their simple being and the fact 
that they were so genuinely interested in our problem,
 made us think that village people are the best. 

Those simple things count the most and can bring an amount 
of joy. The more sophisticated we become, 
the more egoists we are… 
I’m not sure but it’s a piece of the puzzle 
completing the human face. 

Wishing all people and especially women (8th March)
all the best things of this world.

I will be back soon with pretty spring photos.


  1. That was a lovely visit to the village and a wonderful story to accommodate it. The simple slow life is the one I aim for and this just illustrates how people have time to help and share when there is less distractions in life. Sarah x

  2. Que preciosidad de gatito, tus imágenes son preciosas y siempre son una maravilla para la vista, gracias por compartirlas.

  3. Wat heb je dit mooi verwoord, Olympia. De toevallige ontmoeting heeft je veel wijsheid gebracht. Een paar maanden geleden ontmoette ik tijdens een treinreis een jongen van 18 met wie ik hele bijzondere gesprekken heb gevoerd. Het was zo mooi om van hem te horen hoe hij tegen zijn leven aankeek en hoe belangrijk hij respect naar anderen vond. Ook die toevallige ontmoeting heeft mij wijsheid gegeven. En mooie herinneringen om met plezier aan terug te denken.

    Liefs, Ingrid

  4. Oh you've so captured what we love about 'our' Greek villages. . .there does seem to be a genuine kindness still alive and well in villages. What we especially love is how everyone rushes to help someone in need, whether it is a child fallen off a bike or an elderly person juggling a bag of groceries. We hope that never changes. Beautiful photos! xxx

  5. It's so wonderful beautiful touching story along side with beautiful pics !!!

    1. Thank you dear for taking the time to leave a comment!So kind!

  6. Your beautiful, colorful photos belied the icy conditions you found yourself in. You were most fortunate to have received the help of that kind hearted man Olympia, as I know only too well how scary it us to have little or no control of one's vehicle!

  7. Your beautiful, colorful photos belied the icy conditions you found yourself in. You were most fortunate to have received the help of that kind hearted man Olympia, as I know only too well how scary it us to have little or no control of one's vehicle!

  8. Beautiful autumn photos. Your 'Kindness of strangers' story is inspiring.

  9. This post has everything, Olympia - beauty, drama and the kindness of strangers. Wonderful!

  10. Dear Olympia!
    Oh yes ...village people are the best ....I know this well because we decided last year to build a house in a small village in the rural country.
    Your post is such a joy to read and see ...this village is a real paradis and with this sky, the flowers and this friendly couple who helped you ...
    Remembers me when my husband and I made so much holidays in Greece a lot of years ago ...before the crisis and all the bad things now ...
    Hope you and your family are fine!
    Happy spring my Dear!
    With love,

  11. La voiture vous a fait glisser vers...des gens merveilleux qui ont pris le temps de vous réconferter et de vous aider. Cela a dû être le meilleur moment de votre pourtant belle escapade à Arachova, ce village qui a su rester un village malgré la fréquentation touristique.
    Tes photos sont très belles comme toujours chère Olympia.
    J'aime énormément celle avec la lanterne.

  12. Your photos and words are always filled with colour and warmth. I love village life too and would not want to go back to living in a town or city. M x

  13. Olympia,
    Your blog is perfect! Thank you for the wonderful icy road story. The couple are special people to be so kind and welcoming. Your photos are beautiful.
    A Happy International Women's Day to you!

  14. Dear Olympia. You show the most beautiful photos. Love the story.
    Hugs from here

  15. Olá, amei sua historia e seu blog. Eu moro no campo, aqui é assim todos tem uma vida pacata e solitária por isso quando vemos uma pessoa da cidade queremos conhecer e saber como é a vida na cidade. Para nós quando chega uma pessoa da cidade é a maior alegria.
    Linda a cidade que passaste as férias de inverno. Aqui não temos neve somente muito frio.
    Tenha uma abençoada semana.

  16. Beautiful photos! How wonderful to be rescued in that way! xx

  17. Dearest Olympia,
    Not only do you bring to us these charming photographs of your get-away, but also a heartwarming story of kindness and warmth, reminding us that it is the simple things in life that are truly the best. Thank you, I am feeling inspired by the beauty you share and renewed in my faith of mankind.
    Hugs xo

  18. I wholeheartedly agree O! Village people are settled and happy with the simpleness of life. Most folks complicate life so much with things. Your story was lovely and I am glad that you had such an encounter. I could picture it all in my mind by your writing.
    sending hugs...

  19. Olympia
    It is an absolute joy to visit your blog and see your beautiful photo's and read about what has been happening. I scroll up and down with pleasure looking at the wonderful colours in each of your photo's.

    A true delight, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  20. Phew I was getting a bit scared on the ice !! glad you had someone to come to the rescue and keep your faith in the goodness to be found in certain people. Lovely photos glad you had a nice winter holiday....Gail x

  21. Lovely photos of your December trip Olympia. Even in winter Greece looks colourful. I enjoyed reading your story. You met such kind people. I agree with you: it's the simple things that matter most.

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.

    Have a lovely weekend ahead!

  22. So glad that very kind man appeared at the right moment. I enjoyed your wonderful pictures of rural Greece.

  23. What a nice story about the man who helped you during the snow storm, and then offered you some coffee at his cottage home. And beautiful pictures to go along with your story.

    love, ~Sheri

  24. Dear Olympia,
    What a lovely story and those spur of the moment meetings which occurs in life is a true treasure. And your pictures Olympia... as always so beautiful and full of life. It's pure joy to visit you and fill both heart and soul with your colourful kindness.

    Take care my dear and enjoy your beautiful spring.♥


  25. What a lovely post, the pictures are so beautiful and oh how I miss your island! Its such a pleasure to visit you amd your lovely blog Olympia...
    Warm hug from Titti

  26. Che bella storia Olympia , ti fa quasi riconciliare con l'umanità . Per fortuna ogni tanto capitano questi incontri di inaspettato bellezza e umanità pura e semplice. Le tue foto come sempre sono stupendi e fanno sognare, grazie. Abbraccio e buona domenica.

  27. Such a heartwarming story Olympia...it's good to be reminded that there's still so much kindness in the world..and beautiful photos as always ♥
    Susan x

  28. Wonderful photos...each one so interesting, colourful and full of atmosphere. And what a heartwarming story of the kind man who came to your rescue. It is so nice to experience pure and simple kindness like this...and to meet with local people and visit their country homes too.
    Wishing you a happy weekend.
    Helen xox

  29. Dear Olympia,

    Such a lovely post and photos you have shared. So wonderful that the gentleman came to your rescue and took you in and great to see kind and helpful people around. Love your sweet cat.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend

  30. Ooh! I am so excited to have found your blog. What wonderful photos! What a beautiful story!

  31. Ooh! I am so excited to have found your blog. What wonderful photos! What a beautiful story!

  32. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je rentre tout juste de Paris et je suis très heureuse de te lire et te remercie pour ton très gentil message laissé sur mon blog.
    Je découvre avec beaucoup de plaisir ton dernier billet rempli de sublimes photos qui me laissent songeuse.
    Merci pour ce délicieux partage.

    Je te souhaite un merveilleux printemps et plein de bisous

  33. First, love the kitty... :-)

    Ahhh yes, the pull of life in a village. Where everyone knows you, and greets you. Life seems more simple. And in today's rush, any/all simple is welcome.

    Maybe everyone harbours this village life wish... But many just don't want to admit it, to themselves. Perhaps.... :-)

    Gentle Spring Time hugs,

  34. We also sell those wooden animal sticks in our shop!!....Nice to see here in your post love Ria ❤️

  35. Mein Name ist Celina, ich lebe in Polen und ich möchte diese Gelegenheit nutzen, um meine wahre Lebensgeschichte hier zu teilen, damit Sie alle mit mir danken und dem großartigen Mann danken, der mein Leben glücklich gemacht hat. Mein Mann hat mich vor 9 Jahren verlassen Ich war verwirrt. Ich suchte Hilfe auf der ganzen Welt, um ihn zurückzubringen. Ich wurde viele Male von falschen Leuten getäuscht. Im letzten Monat sah ich eine Online-Werbung einer deutschen Dame, die den Namen Dr.Okosun teilte. Sie sagte, er sei ein großartiger Charmeur Als ich verlorene Liebe, Beziehung und auch um eine Lösung für jedes Problem zu finden, kontaktierte ich ihn schnell, um mir zu helfen. Dr.Okosun sagte mir, dass er meinen Mann zurückbringen würde, der mich vor neun Jahren in nur 24 Stunden verlassen hat Ich war so glücklich zu hören, wie er es sagte und ich wartete darauf, dass es geschehen würde. Nach seiner Arbeit kam mein Mann nur in 24 Stunden zurück, als er sagte, dass ich ihm sagte, dass ich seinen Namen im Internet und auch im Radiosender teilen werde Deshalb teile ich seinen Namen für diejenigen, die Hilfe benötigen, um ihn zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie irgendeine Art von Beziehung haben Probleme treten mit diesem Mann in Verbindung, und ich habe Ihnen versichert, dass Dr.Okosun in Ihren Beziehungen eine Lösung und ein Glück bringen wird, da er es in nur 24 Stunden für mich getan hat. Hier sind seine Kontaktdaten für diejenigen, die mit ihm Kontakt aufnehmen möchten. E-Mail: okosunhomeofsolution@gmail.com Chat von WhatsApp und Viber: +2348052523829. Jeder, der sich mit ihm in Verbindung setzen möchte oder ihm dafür danken möchte, dass er mir geholfen hat, sollte seine hier angegebenen Kontaktinformationen verwenden. Dieser Mann ist wirklich und mächtig.


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