How is your summer going so far?
We have had a wondrous holiday time this year heading to some
great mountain destinations, seeking cooler climes and serenity.
June and July reached over 36 degrees, June in particular,
was the hottest ever recorded, I don’t remember myself having
sweat so much in my life but thankfully we’ve beat the scorching
heat on the beach a few feet away from home and
on the green slopes of the mountains.

So, where do I begin? Describing the first place we visited,
the land where reality and daydreams meet
The land of C e n t a u r s and C h i r o n
The summer resort of the O l y m p i a n G o d s
The healing Mountain
The homeland of the A r g o n a u t s
Of A c h i l l e s
The land A p o l l o loved
The land of the D r y a d s,
the nymphs of trees and meadows
The legendary mountain mentioned in poems
of H o m e r and H e s i o d's...
Those who know a bit of Greek Mythology can readily find
the place I’m talking about...
the place I’m talking about...
Mount P e l i o n
situated in a long boot of land jutting into the Aegean
between Thessaloniki and Athens, a hidden holiday gem,
a favourite place to be and find yourself...
Having taken a huge amount of photos during our stay, it was quite
difficult to select a good portion of them giving credit to this
fairytale land. A real deal for an amateur photographer as am I!
Did I my best? I'm not sure but you can
Did I my best? I'm not sure but you can
get the feeling of the area we spent our vacations in.
Cliff-side beaches
Cliff-side beaches
Endless stone paths through the woods
Well marked trails reaching secret, virgin beaches
The most idyllic outdoor-dining spots
Over 3,000 species of herbs with therapeutic properties
astonishingly beautiful beaches and
horseshoe bays filled with glittering turquoise sea
In some villages, the only means of transport are donkeys
Beautiful vintage gardens
Distinctive traditional architecture, the hallmark of the whole
region, so that many villages have been declared as preserved
Heavenly hydrangeas in all colour everywhere
As long as we were there, we have been immersed in that
blissful moment that you don’t think about anything else,
this was exactly what we were searching for and
felt nourished in a different way, felt completely
and utterly in love with Pelion despite
having visited it many times in the past.
felt nourished in a different way, felt completely
and utterly in love with Pelion despite
having visited it many times in the past.
I'll be back with more photos and details from that place.
Oh, friends, it’s crazy how fast time is flying by!
I hope you also enjoyed your holidays and that
you have a great autumn planned ahead of you.
Looking forward to catching up with you and
hearing what you are up to