We did enjoy a great
Christmas at home this year
with extended family and friends.
Life has been so
hectic and so strangely
abrupt lately
that we were
desperate for a breather.
So, we mostly rested and relaxed through Christmas,
were abroad the two last years and
we were seeking our home’s warmth and
I hope that you also had
a wonderful and happy holiday
and that you are looking forward to 2014.
Are you
already making plans? We are...
the trick is how to
develop a realistic way
to make things happen.
Τo be honest, the
only thing I’m praying for is
to be in good health and to keep smiling despite
I pray for the young
people of this world,
more must be done to protect them and
lead them safely to
the future.

We only have a couple
of days of down time ahead of us…
Let’s face our
challenges with courage and optimism,
May the New Year be a
prosperous and creative one,
May the sun which touches us so generously
may touch the soul of every human being in this world…
May hope be on our path
whatever we do, wherever we are!
Thank you for having so
kindly and
so generously encouraging me, it was precious for me!
Sending love,,,